The RJCK Board of Directors and Staff Team have dedicated significant time and effort into the development of a formal Strategic Plan, to guide the organization in the achievement of its Mission. The most recently drafted Plan is inclusive of 2016-18, and the key Strategic Directions of this document can be found below:
Programs & Services
- We will provide credible, evidence-based, relevant programs that address at-risk behaviour in youth, and contribute to crime prevention in Chatham-Kent.
Partnerships & External Relationships
- We will maintain and expand community partnerships that support the achievement of Our Mission.
Operations & Governance
- We will optimize the role of all volunteers within the agency ensuring continued engagement and enthusiasm.
- We will be an organization that employs effective, professional staff.
- We will be an organization that has a cohesive governance structure, and is prepared to deal with any potential internal or external challenges.
Financial Stability
- We will maintain current funding, and expand as agency capacity grows.
Unique to RJCK
- We will continue to enhance our positive ‘profile’ in the Chatham-Kent community.